
  • Glaze: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry by Text-to-Image Models
    Shawn Shan, Jenna Cryan, Emily Wenger, Haitao Zheng, Rana Hanocka,
    Ben Y. Zhao. Proceedings of USENIX Security Symposium,
    Anaheim CA, August 2023.
    Winner: Chicago Innovation Award 2023
    Special Mention: TIME Magazine Best Inventions of 2023
    Winner: Distinguished Paper Award
    Winner: USENIX Internet Defense Prize 2023
    [Abstract, Paper: PDF (3.4MB)]
    [Extended technical report: arxiv 2302.04222]

Glaze Press

Big/comprehensive articles

  1. New York Times, by Kashmir Hill
  2. TechCrunch, by Natasha Lomas
  3. BBC News, by Ben Derico (BBC Click video)
  4. CNN, by Catherine Thorbecke
  5. BBC iPlayer Extended Story, by Clare Hutchinson & Phil John
  6. BBC article on AI & copyright, by Suzanne Bearne
  7. MIT Tech Review, by Melissa Heikkilä
  8. NBC News, by Annie Probert
  9. Communications of the ACM, by Gregory Mone
And many more... In related news...

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