SIGN IN to WebGlaze.
Instructions on Getting an Account to WebGlaze.
WebGlaze. When we first designed Glaze, we were primarily targeting artists who used desktop computers to upload sample images of their art to online portfolios and social media. As we deployed the Glaze app to Windows and Mac platforms, we quickly learned that we were mistaken. Many artists used older computers without GPUs, and many used tablets and phones as their primary compute devices.
WebGlaze is a free web service that provides a simple browser-based interface for artists to Glaze their art, regardless of what computing platforms they use. Users upload images via a simple webform, along with a strength parameter and email address. The image is routed to University of Chicago, then processed by a Glaze binary running on a GPU server in the basement of our building (we used to use Amazon AWS because we had some free AWS credits left over, we used some of it before the credits expired after a year). All network connections are securely encrypted with SSL, and once the image is glazed, the results are emailed to the address given by the user, and both the original and glazed images are immediately deleted. No images are kept in any way, shape or form, and even Glaze team members cannot see your images. Webglaze is free to use for artists of all types, and its costs are "free" because it runs on an existing UChicago GPU server.
Users. WebGlaze was designed to help artists who for one reason or another, find themselves unable to glaze art using desktop version of the Glaze app. This includes artists with older (or no) computers, or with computers lacking GPU support (Macs, Linux, or Windows PCs running GPUs from AMD/Intel or NVidia GTX1660/1650/1550). If you have a local app that is running well, we highly recommend you stay with that setup, since it will be (likely) faster and give you more control over render time parameters. That will also reduce load for other artists.
Instructions/invites. Because WebGlaze will always remain free to artists, we do not plan to open accounts to the general public. Instead, WebGlaze will be accessible only to human artists via an invite-only system. No AI artists please, and they do not need Glaze anyway. We are happy to offer access to WebGlaze to all non-AI human artists, regardless of experience, style, skillset or medium. To get an invite, please follow the instructions here.
When you receive an invite, please click on the link and register an account with login and password. Each invite link can only be used once. After you register, go to to login. To glaze an image, type in the email address you want the result to go to, choose an image, select an intensity level, and hit submit. That's it! Users have a per day and per week Glaze limit which is automatically reset, and a message on the main page tells you an estimated current load on the servers (low/medium/high). Note there is no render time setting (by default all glaze jobs are run with medium render time). Also note you can enter in an optional Bio at the top of the page to tell the Glaze team about yourself. This info is visible only to the Glaze team and will not be seen by any other users. As we grow users and add GPU servers, we will likely increase the per day and per week Glaze limits for users.
Intensity settings and errors. In prior versions of WebGlaze (1.0), Glaze performed a self-check using a CLIP-score based distance metric to determine whether the glaze effect is strong enough to prevent mimicry. In late Sept/early October, we came to the realization (following a ton of end to end tests) that the CLIP-based distance was not very effective at predicting visual impact of Glaze for some styles. More specifically, it was a good indicator of whether the new style was sufficiently present in generated images, but it did not measure how much of the old style was left. The result is sometimes the original style remained visible, which by definition meant Glaze's protection was weaker than desired. In early October, we updated WebGlaze to v1.1.0 and then to v1.1.1 to remove the CLIP score, and instead rely on style-specific intensity values. Now, the first time you send an image to WebGlaze, it analyzes it for a broad style category and stores it on your account. Thereafter, you only need to choose "default" which is the intensity we recommend for your style (after LOTS of end-to-end and eyeball tests), or "medium" or "higher", both of which provide higher intensity than default. Now there are no Glaze errors.
Freq. Asked Questions
- I'm getting an invalid page error when I click on the WebGlaze link.
You are probably clicking on the original invite link, which expired after you first used it. Instead, go to to glaze. - I'm getting a "Server 500" error.
We have seen this for Japanest artists who use Japanese unicode in their image file names. If you rename the file to standard English characters, this error should go away. - I forgot my username.
You can DM @TheGlazeProject on Twitter/IG and we can help you look it up. - What is the difference between WebGlaze and the Glaze app on my computer?
Nothing. The only difference is that WebGlaze does not give you the option to choose render time.
For more detailed information on how Glaze works, we point you to other pages on this site, including
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), on everything from potential countermeasures to future plans for updates
- Release notes, notes on changes through different versions of Glaze
- User guide on installing, running/configuring, and uninstalling Glaze
- Publications and Media Coverage. Read our research paper for all the technical details on Glaze, as well as all the major news coverage and interviews on Glaze, including NYTimes, BBC, and major newspapers from Japan, Germany, UK, India and rest of the world.